Monday, August 31, 2009

Reflection # 2

This article shows many different interesting views on how inventions change the way we think. New ideas are often met with opposition yet change the world regardless. Although there are many inventions that are introduced into society not all of those inventions change society. By inventing the telephone Alexander Gram Bell changed the world forever. As we all know most people cannot live without a phone. This is a means to communicate with other members of society. Without this tool many would not be able to communicate with the masses. In the beginning man defined necessities as food, water, and shelter. Now however, such things as computers, telephones, and money are necessities. There has also been a shift in the idea that women are less moral than men to the new paradigm that women are more moral than men. This shift did not happen overnight but was introduced and passed down by different cultures, religions, occupations. What our religion or culture tells us to believe often shapes us in ways that we believe are our own individual ideas. We take these beliefs at face value without educating ourselves. The facts are often left behind so that cultural traditions or bias will continue. I come from an African American father and a Caribbean mother and am married to a Hispanic male. These cultural differences often lead to very different perceptions of the same idea. My husband hates the idea of the woman working outside of the home and taking charge. Although I was taught as a young girl, from my father, that women should be strong for their families. My mother taught me to cook and keep the home clean yet the American in me wants to be equal to my husband and have him do some of the cooking and cleaning. None of these ideas are necessarily wrong just different. These different schemas make the world a eclectic place like a bowl of mixed nuts. Some like peanuts while some like pecans and so on and so forth. As long as those making decisions for the masses are educated about the facts (which doesn’t happen often) we as a world should be okay. However, we live in a world filled with prejudice based religion, culture, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Will we ever evolve beyond this? I hope so.

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