Monday, September 21, 2009

Comment-- Intelligence is a number?

I found this poem to be very insightful and touched me deeply. How could a few men who called them scientist believe such nonsense and then spew out there beliefs as if they were fact. These men of so called science used there "finding" to keep so many people down for so long. It make me think of how far we (people of color) have come and how far we have yet to travel in the sense that our confidence has been squelched for so long. Our pride hidden under mountains of negativity and doubt. If you call a king a dog long enough and treat that king as a dog would that king begin to walk, feel, and see as a dog? This poem examine how mans ego can cause him to be a beast to his fellowman.Garner says there are multiple intelligences where some would have you believe there is only one. How boring would this world be if we had one standard of music and one standard of beauty and one standard of love. It is so sad that some have to tear down others in order to build themselves up. I HOPE that we can learn from our past and unite as a common people and share in our rich beautiful diversity.

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